Tuesday, 14 February 2012

THE FLY , a humble creature on Darwin's tree of life has an incredibly complex system for viewing its surroundings .

THE FLY , a humble creature on Darwin's tree of life has an incredibly complex system for viewing its surroundings . The fly's compound eye is well suited to its needs . Flies have eyes that bristle with individual lenses , each looking at a small field of vision and each connected in parallel to its part of the brain...... that processes the information . This parallel system gives flies a response time 4 times faster than our own , try catching one . As reported in The Times , 8th October 1993 , computer designers are trying to imitate this idea with parallel processors . Designers of solar panels could also benefit from studying the eye of the humble fly .


"Solar panels could be improved by mimicking the design of the eyes of a fly that lived 45 million years ago . A pattern of ridges found on the surface of the fly's eyes could reduce reflection and so allow panels to capture light arriving  at very oblique angles ."
New Scientist , 17th April 1999 . page 21 . 


THE LOBSTER : Another creature considered by evolutionsits to be low down on their tree of life . Its eye does not refract light . It channels the light through a Kind of converging optical fibre bundle . This principle is being exploited to make an X-Ray lens . X-Rays cannot be focussed like light . Yet another example of where intelligent human designers are copying designs in nature that only work when all components are present .




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