Friday 25 May 2012

WHY such a BIG UNIVERSE containing so much MASS ?

WHY such a BIG UNIVERSE containing so much MASS ?
There are many who argue against an intelligent designer and creator of the Universe . One of the questions put forward
questioning an intelligent source to the Universe is " If God created man and also designed the Universe why did He create billions of other stars in the Universe ?"
But recent recent studies have demonstrated why the Universe is so vast ..............
We now know that the overall mass of the universe is yet another one of those key factors necessary for life on Earth to be possible . With too much or too little mass in the universe the universe would be devoid of elements such as carbon , oxygen and nitrogen , which are crucial for the sustenance of life . Therefore , it appears that God created billions of stars so that life could exist on Earth .
Dr Hugh Ross , " Where did the Universe come from ? New scientific evidence for the existence of God ." Presented in South Barrington , Illinois , April 16 , 1994 .
It must be noted that Dr Hugh Ross is a theistic evolutionary . BUT this does not negate what he says here .

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